Our commitment to accessibility
CLDF is committed to providing a website that is accessible to the widest possible audience. We are actively working to increase the accessibility and usability of our website and in doing so strive to adhere to many of the available standards and guidelines.
This website conforms to level double-A of the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) web content accessibility guidelines 1.0. This site has been built using code compliant with W3C standards for XHTML and CSS. The site displays correctly in current browsers and using standards compliant XHTML/CSS code means any future browsers will also display it correctly.
While we do our best to adhere to the accepted guidelines and standards for accessibility and usability, it is not always possible to do so in all areas of the website. If you experience any difficulty in accessing the CLDF website, please do not hesitate to contact the web team and we will work to fix the problem or provide the information in an appropriate alternative format. If you have any queries about this Accessibility statement, please contact the web team.
A few tips for making browsing the website easier
Using the keyboard instead of a mouse
You can use the tab key to key through all the links on a page, pressing ENTER or the ‘return’ key when the desired link is highlighted.
Access keys make it easy to get to important pages. They are:
?S = Skip navigation
1 = Home page
2 = What we do
3 = What you can do
4 = News / blog
5 = Resources
6 = Media centre
7 = Register
8 = Contact us
9 = Site map
0 = Accessibility (this page)
How to use access keys
Internet Explorer 5+ (PC)
Hold down ALT key, press the access key and then press ENTER
Internet Explorer 5+ (Mac)
Hold down Ctrl and press the access key.
Netscape 6 and Firefox (PC)
Hold down ALT key and press the access key
Netscape 6 and Firefox (Mac)
Hold down CTRL key and press the access key
Safari (Mac)
Safari (Mac): Hold down CTRL key and press the number of the access key
Changing the text size
You can change the text size of a website to suit your needs.
Internet Explorer
Hold down Ctrl and use the + or – keys to make the text bigger or smaller. You can also select the View menu and then select Text Size. Select the text size you require.
Netscape and Firefox
PC users: Hold down Ctrl and press the + or – keys to make the text bigger or smaller.
Mac users: Hold down Cmd and press the + or – keys to make the text bigger or smaller.
Select the View menu and then select either Make Text Bigger or Make Text Smaller.
Changing colours and fonts
You can change the text, background colour and fonts that appear in a website.
Internet Explorer
Select the Tools menu, then Internet Options. From here you can adjust the colour and font. If you select the Accessibility button, you can decide to ignore the colours, font styles and font sizes of the website you are viewing. You can also apply your own style sheet to view websites with your choice of formatting.
Mozilla Firefox
Select the Tools menu, then Options. Select the Fonts & Colours button to adjust these settings.