CLDF has welcomed today’s news from NHS Blood and Transplant that last year, 1,600 people in the UK donated their organs after they died; saving or improving the lives of 3,941 transplant recipients and giving hope to those still waiting.
This achievement is particularly remarkable given that figures now show that just 5,815 people died in circumstances where organ donation is possible. With fewer eligible donors, it is more important than ever to ensure that everyone who is able and wants to donate their organs after they have died is given the opportunity.

The increase in the number of organ donors was made possible thanks to more families agreeing to support donation, fewer families refusing to support their relative’s decision to donate and an increased referral rate of potential donors by medical staff to organ donation teams.
CLDF Chief Executive, Alison Taylor commented: “These figures are good news and demonstrate how important it is that people make their wishes on organ donation known to their loved ones.”
In 2020, the law around organ donation will be changing in both England and Scotland. Both countries will be introducing an opt out system for organ donation, just as Wales did in December 2015 and Jersey from 1st July 2019.
Wales now has the highest consent rate of all the UK nations, now 77%, up from 58% in 2015. It is hoped that once the law change comes into force in both England and Scotland, and as awareness of organ donation is heightened in the public consciousness, we will see similar increases across both these countries.
For further details of the Organ Donation and Transplantation Activity Report click here.