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COVID-19 restrictions coming to an end

It’s coming to that time when the majority of restrictions across all nations will be lifted. The timing and levels of easing may vary slightly for each nation but they will generally all be following the same direction. Here we outline the information we know so far for each nation.


Lockdown restrictions are due to end in England on 19 July. There will still be a few protections in place such as testing, border quarantine, encouraging face masks in crowded areas and businesses/large events doing everything they can to limit infection. The move to step 4 is outlined here.

The UK government published updated guidance for people who are clinically extremely vulnerable from the 19 July (available here). This guidance document provides advice about how you should continue to assess risks and take extra precautions where possible. It also outlines what is expected of schools and employers during this time and support organisations.


On Tuesday 13th July, it was announced that Scotland would move to a modified form of level 0 due to latest wave of infections appearing to have levelled off. However, some requirements will remain such as number of people meeting, face masks and a gradual return to working from offices being postponed until 9 August. More information is due to be shared by the 9 August. View the full statement here.


A decision about easing of restrictions is due to be announced in the afternoon on Wednesday 14 July. It is believed that Wales will not ease all restrictions on one date and that face masks will be required in certain settings. View this page for updates on changes in Wales.

Northern Ireland

Northern Ireland has a review date of 22 July in the hope to ease many restrictions from approximately 26 July. Read more here. A meeting of ministers on 12 August will decide what the steps are for face masks.

Support for you and your family

We understand how anxious many of you are about these announcements for your children and young people with a liver condition. It is difficult to adjust to easing of all restrictions when they seem so sudden after months of some degree of protection by law.

Our Support Team are here to help and guide you through any concerns and worries. Furthermore, Every Mind Matters has some useful tips on how to cope with anxiety about easing of lockdown which you may find useful.

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