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EASL’s Love Your Liver Patient Art Competition

EASL, The European Association for the Study of the Liver, is a medical association dedicated to excellence in liver research, clinical practice of liver disorders, and providing education to all those interested in hepatology.

They have a wonderful initiative, that went live on 22 April this year, called Love Your Liver Art Competition. This initiative calls on those living with a liver condition to engage in art in order to counter some of the anxieties, obstacles and stresses in living with the condition.

Some of you may be aware of art therapy, a technique rooted in the idea that creative expression can foster healing and mental wellbeing. You may have used some of these techniques throughout the pandemic or in previous circumstances.

EASL are calling on the patient community to set aside some time and get creative about what Love Your Liver means to you. Whatever your preferred form of art and expression, from photography, videos and digital art to painting or drawing, be sure to take part.

This contest is running from Thursday 22 April to Monday to 14 June 2021 midnight CET (10pm GMT). Your artwork will be displayed in June at International Liver Congress™ 2021. Three participants will win an ILC free registration (1st, 2nd, and 3rd place).

Find out more here

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