Healthcare Professionals Resource Order Form

Please order CLDF leaflets and packs below. Please specify the number of each item you require. This form is for medical and health professionals. If you are a patient, parent, friend or relative, please use this form here.

If you have any questions or would prefer to order items over the phone, please call us on 0121 212 6029.

Unfortunately we are unable to post any resources outside the UK and Northern Ireland.

    for use on the ward and in clinics to provide families and professionals with easy access to electronic copies of our leafletsQR code poster

    for use on the ward and in clinics to provide families and professionals with information on our support servicesCLDF support poster

    Medical Leaflets

    Yellow Alert

    Part of your screening process for prolonged jaundice in babiesEducation and training of trainees/newly qualified staffResources that you discuss and share with parentsRaise awareness of the signs and symptoms of liver disease in babiesOther

    Liver Transplant resources

    Stepping Stones in Liver Transplantation Pack


    - a pack for newly diagnosed families providing useful information on the liver and liver disease and introducing them to CLDF. Contains Introduction to Liver Disease, Support through your child’s liver journey leaflets.

    (For teams based within specialist liver units and regional liver clinics only)
    -a pack for new employees within specialist liver units (Birmingham Children's Hospital, King's College Hospital, Leeds General Infirmary) and regional liver clinics. The pack provides an introduction to CLDF support and services.

    Your Contact Information

    Tell Us How You Want To Hear From Us

    Children’s Liver Disease Foundation would love to keep in touch with you about our vital work. By contacting you in the way you choose, we can be more cost effective in our communications and marketing activity.

    What would you like to hear from us about and how?

    Please note:
    1. We don’t send much post so if you only choose one option email would be best.
    2. We’ll update all contact preferences on our systems within 30 days of receiving your request.

    By postBy emailBy phone (a call from a member of the CLDF team)By text/SMS
    By postBy emailBy phone (a call from a member of the CLDF team)By text/SMS
    Don't contact

    Your details are safe with us

    We'll always store your personal details securely. We'll use them to provide the service(s) that you have requested and communicate with you in the way(s) you have agreed to. Your details may also be used for analysis purposes, to help us provide the best possible service. We won't sell your details to anyone else and we'll only share them with suppliers working on our behalf, or if required to do so by law. For full details please see our Privacy Notice. It's important that you read this notice to understand what information we hold, how we use it and what your rights are.