Andy Smith will be climbing Kilimanjaro next month to raise funds for Children’s Liver Disease Foundation.
New Year is often a time when people set themselves a new challenge and Andy Smith of Castle Bytham has set the bar very high. The 57 year old director of Noble Interiors in Bourne is setting off to Africa next month to climb Mount Kilimanjaro in order to raise funds for a cause very close to his heart, Children’s Liver Disease Foundation (CLDF).
“I know about the work of Children’s Liver Disease Foundation because my business partner’s daughter, who is also my god daughter, was born with a rare liver disease,” explains Andy.

His goddaughter, Lily who inspired him, before her first liver transplant.
“At the age of 19, she has already been through the trauma of two liver transplants – the first when she was a baby and the second, which we hope will be her last, in 2019. I know that the support of CLDF on both occasions was invaluable for Lily and her family, both in terms of being able to talk to people who were very understanding and having clear information on Lily’s condition, the transplant procedure and its implications for her. Also, the continuing research which the charity funds will save lives now and in the future. Thankfully, Lily is now doing well. She’s at university, training to be a nurse, but we want every family who find themselves in this situation to have that kind of support.”

Lily is now a student nurse
Tackling Africa’s highest mountain will not be the easiest of fundraisers but it’s something Andy has wanted to do for some time.
“It’s been on my bucket list for a number of years and I am not getting any younger,” he says. “Now seemed like a good time and I’m hoping that taking on such a tough challenge will encourage people to dig deep for the charity. I’m doing plenty of walking in preparation although where I live is quite flat so, in addition to local walking, I have made a couple of trips to the Peak District. What I can’t train for, however, is altitude sickness which affects everyone differently. There is only 45% of oxygen on the top of Kili compared to sea level so I won’t know how I’m going to cope with that until I get there! It will no doubt be an experience and if I can complete it and hit my £2,500 target I’ll be more than satisfied.”
Rebecca Cooper, Chief Executive of Children’s Liver Disease Foundation commented: “CLDF is the only UK charity dedicated to fighting all childhood liver diseases, by providing information and emotional support, funds for research and a voice for all those affected. In order to do this, however, we rely on voluntary donations, so we are delighted and very grateful to hear about Andy’s Kilimanjaro climb. It is a huge commitment to take on in terms of time, training and fundraising. It’s wonderful to know that Lily is now doing well and the funds Andy raises will enable us to continue to support families like hers throughout the UK.”
You can support Andy’s Kilimanjaro climb by going to: Andy Smith is fundraising for Children’s Liver Disease Foundation (justgiving.com)