How We Produce Information

Our process

At CLDF we have a rigorous process in place for creating and reviewing our information resources, with input from parents, families and healthcare professionals. We produce health information in conjunction with the three specialist paediatric liver centres based in Birmingham, London and Leeds. New resources are reviewed by clinical nurse specialists from each centre as well as a minimum of one consultant. Depending on the content of the leaflet other healthcare professionals such as play specialists, psychologists and dieticians may be involved at the writing and/or review stage. New information is also reviewed by a panel of parents, family members and the general public who ensure that what we say is accessible and relevant.


We are members of the Patient Information Forum and have been awarded the PIF TICK quality mark.

This shows that our information has been through a professional and robust production process. We have also been through an assessment to show that we meet PIF’s 10 criteria for trustworthy health information:

  1.  Information is created using a consistent and documented process.
  2.  Staff receive ongoing training and support.
  3.  Resources meet a genuine need.
  4.  Information is based on reliable, up-to-date evidence which is communicated clearly.
  5.  Users are involved in the development of information.
  6.  Information is written to meet health and digital literacy, language and accessibility needs of the target audience.
  7.  Information is clearly communicated, easy to access and navigate.
  8.  There is a clear process for users to provide feedback.
  9.  Information is promoted to maximise reach.
  10.  The impact of information is measured.

Could you help?

CLDF is always interested in hearing from people who would like to be involved in the information development process. This includes parents, families, young people and health care professionals who are happy to provide us with their personal experiences, knowledge and expertise. If you would like to be involved, please contact CLDF’s Information and Awareness Officer at or 0121 212 6029.