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Maisie’s rewarding role

It’s always good to hear about our young people finding jobs they enjoy. Maisie who is 26 tells us about her role as a Passenger Assistant at  the 24×7 Group. 


I’ve had chronic liver disease and associated complications my whole life and when it came to finding work, I was helped by the Shaw Trust, a charity who help people find jobs. 

I’ve been a Passenger Assistant at 24×7 since January this year and I love it! My role  means I accompany children who have learning difficulties and/ or other health conditions to and from school. I make sure that the children have a safe and comfortable journey.  

I work 20 hours a week and I love meeting my passengers every morning and making sure they get to school safely and on time. I generally work the same route every day so I get to know the children and the driver although I do help out on other routes if needed.  

And although the children I currently work with don’t have a liver condition, I think the fact that I live with a chronic condition myself helps me to relate to them. I know what it’s like to cope with health issues as part of your day to day life. 

 When I’m not at work I like to unwind by keeping fit and going to the gym, cooking meals, going shopping and spending time with family and friends. 

I feel lucky to have a job I enjoy and I would say to other young people in my situation, there is something out there for you so go for it. Never give up – keep reaching for the stars and you will get there!  


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