Although Matthew Hatcher doesn’t remember how poorly his brother was as a baby, he’s always known that Jamie was born with a rare liver disease. So on April 21, when Matthew from South Woodham Ferrers, runs the London Marathon for the first time, he’ll be aiming to raise £2,000 for a charity very close to his family’s heart, Children’s Liver Disease Foundation (CLDF).
“I’m one of triplets”, says Matthew 26, a junior electronic money broker for BGC Partners. “And when my brother, Jamie, was only a few weeks old, he was diagnosed with the rare and life-threatening disease, biliary atresia. He had to undergo major surgery when he was just two months old, and it was an incredibly difficult time for my parents – as if coping with three newborn babies wasn’t stressful enough.
“But Children’s Liver Disease Foundation were there from the outset, providing my parents with information and emotional support which continued as Jamie got older. I know that they found it comforting to hear from other families who were going through similar experiences. The work this charity does, supporting children with all forms of liver disease, is truly remarkable.
“My brother is doing extremely well now. He still has regular check-ups for his liver but is able to lead a full and active life. He’s a recruitment consultant and a qualified carpenter. He plays golf regularly and he’s engaged to Marina.
“The London Marathon is something I’ve always wanted to do so and I’m delighted to be able to run it for CLDF. It will be a great opportunity to raise funds for a charity which will help other families in the way it’s helped ours. Training was going well until a couple of weeks ago when I was derailed by a chest infection but as the big day draws near, I have to admit I’m really looking forward to it – I can’t wait to be stood at the start line, ready to go!”
Michelle Wilkins, Head of Services at Children’s Liver Disease Foundation commented: “CLDF is dedicated to fighting all childhood liver diseases, by providing information and emotional support, funds for research and a voice for all those affected. It’s wonderful to know that Jamie is doing so well and we’re delighted that Matthew has chosen to do the Marathon for us. What a great way to support other families like his! We hope his first marathon is a wonderful experience and will be there to cheer him on.”
You can support Matthew’s London Marathon challenge by going to Children’s Liver Disease Foundation: Matthew’s page (