Family and friends of Mollie Barton, who passed away in 2015 from a rare liver disease, took part in a commemorative walk around Grafham Water on Sunday (October 13) to raise funds for Children’s Liver Disease Foundation (CLDF).
“This was the third walk we have done for Mollie and it was a particularly special one as Mollie would have celebrated her 25th birthday this week,” explained Mollie’s sister Lauren, 27, from Hemingford Grey, who organised the walk with her mum, Monica.
“It was lovely to see so many people turn out for a ten mile walk in pouring rain for a cause which means so much to us. We also took the opportunity to sell goods from our B+ clothing brand set up in memory of Mollie, which also raises money for CLDF. So we’re confident our efforts have hit our £500 target!”
Alison Taylor, Chief Executive of Children’s Liver Disease Foundation commented: “CLDF is the only UK charity dedicated to fighting all childhood liver diseases, by providing information and emotional support, funds for research and a voice for all those affected. In order to do this however, we rely on voluntary donations, so we are touched and very grateful to hear of Mollie’s Walk. It’s a wonderful way for Mollie’s family to remember her and the funds raised will enable us to continue supporting young people like Mollie throughout the UK.
You can still support Mollie’s Walk by going to: