Danny Adams from Upminster will be running his first London Marathon next weekend (April 28). The 39 year-old father of two admits that the last time he did any running was while at school in 1990. He decided to train for the Marathon, however, in order to raise funds for a cause which means a lot to him, Children’s Liver Disease Foundation (CLDF).
“My friends’ 21 month- old son, George, was born with the rare and life-threatening liver disease, biliary atresia,” explains Danny. He underwent emergency surgery when he was just eight weeks old but sadly this failed and his parents were told the only option was a liver transplant. Happily, George received his transplant just a few weeks ago and is doing well but during those months of waiting, he was very poorly indeed, and his parents really valued the information and support they received from Children’s Liver Disease Foundation.
“The charity not only funds research into childhood liver disease, for which there is still no cure, but provides parents with a wide support network of other families. Simply having someone else to talk to who is in the same situation can make such a difference.
“I wanted to do something to raise funds and awareness for CLDF and as I’ve worked in London for almost 20 years, support a London football team (Millwall) and have family from London, this was the obvious choice.
“Training has gone quite well, and I’m pleased to report I’ve not picked up any injuries. I’ve just completed my last long run so in theory I’m all set for race day!”
Alison Taylor, Chief Executive of Children’s Liver Disease Foundation commented: “CLDF is the only UK charity dedicated to fighting all childhood liver diseases, by providing information and emotional support, funds for research and a voice for all those affected. In order to do this however, we rely on voluntary donations, so we’re delighted that Danny has chosen to support George’s family in this way. We hope he thoroughly enjoys the experience and will be there to cheer him on!”
You can support Danny’s London Marathon challenge by clicking HERE.
For more information on CLDF visit childliverdisease.org.