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Sevoflurane preconditioning in living liver donation is associated with better initial graft function after pediatric transplantation: a retrospective study

Title: Sevoflurane preconditioning in living liver donation is associated with better initial graft function after pediatric transplantation: a retrospective study

Source: Perioperative Medicine 2024, 13 (1): 11

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Date of publication: February 2024

Publication type: Retrospective single centre study

Abstract: Introduction: Initial allograft function determines the patient’s immediate prognosis in pediatric liver transplantation. Ischemia-reperfusion injuries play a role in initial poor graft function (IPGF). In animal studies, preconditioning with inhaled anesthetic agents has demonstrated a protective effect on the liver. In humans, the few available studies are conflicting. This study assesses the association between the hypnotic agent used to maintain anesthesia during hepatectomy in living donors and the occurrence of IPGF after pediatric transplantation.

Methods: We conducted a single-center retrospective analysis of children who received a living donor liver transplant (LDLT) between 2010 and 2019. We analyzed the incidence of EAD according to the hypnotic agent used to maintain general anesthesia during donor hepatectomy.

Results: We included 183 pairs of patients (living donors-recipients). The anesthetics used in the donor were propofol (n = 85), sevoflurane (n = 69), or propofol with sevoflurane started 30 min before clamping (n = 29). Forty-two children (23%) developed IPGF. After multivariate logistic regression analysis, factors significantly associated with the occurrence of IPGF were the anesthesia maintenance agent used in the donor (p = 0.004), age of the donor (p = 0.03), duration of transplant surgery (p = 0.009), preoperative receiver neutrophil to lymphocyte ratio (p = 0.02), and albumin (p = 0.05).

Conclusion: Significantly fewer children who received a graft from a donor in whom only sevoflurane was used to maintain anesthesia developed IPGF. Although additional research is needed, this preconditioning strategy may provide an option to prevent IPGF after living liver donation.

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