The University of Northampton’s campus police team put their fitness to the test last week by taking on the ‘Snowdon Challenge’. They not only trekked up and down the 1085m peak of Wales’ highest mountain in five hours 50 minutes, but raised over £1,000 for Children’s Liver Disease Foundation in the process.

“The motivation behind our climb was to give us a team challenge which would improve our physical fitness and add to team building,” explained Sergeant Lorna Clarke, the UON police team’s lead.
“We also wanted to raise awareness and funds for Children’s Liver Disease Foundation, a charity that provides information and support to children and families affected by liver disease as well as funding research into childhood liver conditions. Childhood liver disease can be devastating not only for the child concerned but also their nearest and dearest as the prognosis is not always hopeful.
This charity has been a tremendous help to a police colleague and friend of ours, Sam, whose four -year old son, Reid, is sadly suffering from liver disease and one day will probably need a liver transplant. The family has all benefitted so much from the charity’s support that we want to give something back and help other families.”

Sam Foster added: “We are super proud of my colleagues and very honoured they did this with us in mind when there are so many wonderful charities out there. Reid is currently doing well and started school last week, but we know childhood liver disease is a lifelong condition and we will continue to need the support of CLDF as he gets older.”

Alison Taylor, Chief Executive of Children’s Liver Disease Foundation commented: “CLDF is the only UK charity dedicated to fighting all childhood liver diseases and we rely on voluntary donations, so we are delighted to hear about this challenge from the UON police team. It’s wonderful to know that a young family affected by liver disease have such supportive friends and colleagues around them.”
You can still support the climb by going to