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What saying yes to organ donation means to us – a letter to our donor family

Families often have to make the final decision about whether their loved ones organs are donated at the most heart breaking of times. Often organ recipients write letters to their donor family to thank them for their decision and offer a little insight into the lives they saved. We are very grateful to Louise who kindly shared the letter she wrote to her daughter’s donor family in order to raise awareness of organ donation and the impact it has on families.

We have never realised how inadequate the phrase “thank you” is until now. We have used those two words for most of our lives to show our appreciation…. “thank you, for a nice cup of tea, thank you for serving me in a shop, thank you for supporting me when I have faced challenges in life” …but now we want and need to say THANK YOU, for saving our daughter’s life and those words just don’t seem enough.

We are sure you know that we are only allowed limited information, but we understand that you have lost a loved one and we are so sorry for your loss. Nearly four years ago we were overjoyed to welcome into the world beautiful twin girls, Sophie and Megan. Within days it was clear that Sophie was not thriving as well as her sister. When the girls were nine weeks old Sophie received an operation to treat her biliary atresia, at the time we were told that this was only a treatment and not a cure. We have known since then that the day may come where she needed a new liver. Our family is large and we have had wonderful support through this roller coaster ride. It is that support that will help us again, now and in the future to help Sophie live a full life. Most importantly, thanks to you and your loved one, she has a life to live.

So, we hope that you can see and understand that what many use as an everyday phrase comes to you now full of so much more meaning. Thank you from Sophie that she will be able to run and jump with her friends – to learn and to grow. Thank you from Megan that she will continue to live her life with her twin by her side through all the challenges and joys that life brings. We have also been asked to thank you for keeping Sophie in the lives of her aunties, uncles, grandparents, cousins and friends. We thank you for saving our daughter and hope that this will help you at such a sad time.

“And with each new day, This thought comes through she would not be alive, If not for you.”

Thank you, Louise, Chris, Sophie and Megan x

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