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Why Annie has an extra birthday every year

Eight year old Annie has just celebrated the eighth anniversary of her liver transplant. Annie who was born with biliary atresia, was just nine months old when she received part of her dad, Sean’s, liver.

Annie with little cousin Camille at her ‘liver birthday’

“We were both a match for Annie”, says her mum Sophie. “So, we made the decision for it to be Sean as I’m a doctor and we felt I would be better at looking after them both. Also, Annie is very like her dad, it felt right for it to be him.


“Annie and Sean both had their surgery at Kings. The day was agonising for me, every minute they were in surgery felt like hours and having them both in intensive care was very hard. It was difficult seeing them both so unwell and splitting my time between the two of them.”


Fortunately, both operations were a success and apart from her immunosuppressant medication, Annie  now lives a normal life just like any other child her age. And September 1st is a special occasion for the family each year as they celebrate Annie’s Liver Birthday.

Annie with her dad, Sean and little brother Freddy at Fulham.

“It’s wonderful to see her enjoying life. She loves school, dancing,  supporting Fulham FC, and anything arty crafty,” says her proud grandmother Sally.

Annie clearly gets her love of arts and crafts from her great grandmother Barbara who raises funds for CLDF every Christmas by knitting all manner of festive decorations!

Great grandma Barbara puts her talents to great use raising funds for CLDF every year.

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