Our Young People’s Team are here for you by telephone, email, text or Facebook and they would love to hear from you. If we haven’t already met you, or you don’t already receive information from us, did you know that if you’re 16 or over we can support you and send you information. Please click here to tell us all about yourself.
We can give you information on your liver condition and tips on living with liver disease, covering everything from tattoos and piercings to moving to adult hospital services.
You can see stories from other young people living with liver disease and have the opportunity to share your own story. Join Hive, our dedicated online community and chat with other young people, or come along and meet them at one of our Events.
Our monthly Hive hangouts are a chance for you to chat to other young people who know just what it’s like to live with a liver condition and to ask any questions of the CLDF team.
We’re also running a series of webinars on issues which we know are important to our young people. Dates for all the hangouts and webinars are listed here and they all start at 7pm.
All webinar recordings can be found here.
Our Young People’s Team can be contacted on 0121 212 6024 or 07928 131955, by email at: youngpeople@childliverdisease.org or via Facebook.
If you’re struggling with processing how you feel and need to speak to someone urgently, regarding your mental health, these organisations offer 24/7 support:
Childline Childline is a free confidential service for anyone under the age of 19 to talk about anything at any time About Childline | Childline
Samaritans Samaritans provide a 24 hour 365 day a year service for anyone who is struggling to cope and needs someone to listen Contact Us | Samaritans