
Children’s Liver Disease Foundation social network for young people.

Download the CLDF HIVE leaflet here

Hive is our Facebook-based social network created by young people exclusively for young people with a liver condition or transplant.

Hive consists of two groups – with CLDF Hive catering to ages 13-17 and CLDF Hive + for the 18-24 demographic. Members of Hive can access peer support, share experiences and voice what matters to them when it comes to their liver journey. The pages are monitored by CLDF staff and our Hive Ambassadors to ensure safety for our members.

If you are a young person and want to sign up, just send a Join request via the appropriate group. Our CLDF Young Persons Officer will then get in touch to assist you further with the registration process.

I love Hive because it lets me feel like I’m not alone. I’ve never actually known anyone with what I have and it’s nice to know that there’s always someone here who knows what you’re going through.” Young person

Read our Hive leaflet telling you all about the benefits of joining our online community as well as when Hive Hangout sessions and drop ins will be held. View the Hive Hangout leaflet here

Contact our Young People’s Digital Engagement Officer:
Call: 0121 212 6007   Mobile: 07928131955


Meet our Hive Ambassadors!

Click on the Hive ambassador profiles below to find out more about them and why they wanted to become an ambassador