We are aware that some parents of children in the extremely vulnerable group are receiving calls from GP surgeries and other medical professionals about Do Not Attempt Resuscitation (DNAR) forms. We understand that this will cause anxiety and fear among families and young people.
Please be aware that this is a generic protocol that medical professionals have been asked to follow, applying to all those who are at highest risk and often they may not be able to look at the individual circumstances, calling everyone on the lists.
The professionals who may contact you are not intentionally trying to cause you distress and you simply need to inform them you do not agree to DNAR being in place for your child. With your answer, the professional can note this on their system. There are huge numbers of people on the lists and some of them might want to agree to a DNAR for their own reasons, the health services are just trying to make sure that they are able to carry out people’s wishes.
We know how difficult this is, in normal circumstances this wouldn’t be happening, but these aren’t normal circumstances. Please bear with the NHS as systems and staff are under considerable strain.
For up-to-date government information and guidance on the coronavirus please visit: https://www.gov.uk/guidance/coronavirus-covid-19-information-for-the-public