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CLDF is delighted that one of our young people has been selected to take part in The One Show’s Rickshaw Challenge to raise funds for BBC Children in Need.

Eighteen year old Emma from Nottingham, who has biliary atresia and has received two liver transplants, is one of a team of six who will be taking on the eight day challenge which begins on Friday November 8 in Holyhead and finishes at BBC Elstree Studios on Friday November 15 during the BBC Children in Need Appeal Show.

Being part of Team Rickshaw will be a particular challenge for Emma who in 2017 suffered a seizure which left her unable to walk, see properly or concentrate for long periods.

“I have always been quite sporty,” she said. “But after my seizure I had to work really hard to learn to walk again. Every day I’m getting stronger, but I know that being a part of Team Rickshaw will be a real challenge for me. I’m excited to head out on the road and hope that the public will cheer us on and help us raise money for BBC Children in Need.”

CLDF Chief Executive, Alison Taylor, added: “Having got to know Emma and her family over the years as we have provided them with information and support, we are so incredibly proud of her for being selected for Team Rickshaw. Her participation in this challenge on national TV will be wonderful for raising awareness of childhood liver disease and a fantastic experience for Emma. We shall be cheering her along all the way.”

CLDF has received funding from Children in Need since 2011 for our children and young people’s support programme. You can find out more about the Rickshaw Challenge here

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  • Elaine Eves says:

    I’m not sure if this message could be passed onto Emma but I would just like to let her know that her voice is beautiful and I could listen to her all day. She should be a narrator, I’d certainly listen to her. An amazing young lady. Well done

    Elaine Eves

  • Charlotte Smith says:

    I have liver disease as well and I am so inspired by you.You are an amazing young lady and you just show to me that anything is possible.Very well done Emma!

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