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Kevin’s cycling challenge in memory of Georgia

Keen cyclist, Kevin Harrison, is proud not only to have completed the 100 mile cycle Prudential Ride London, but also to have virtually doubled his fundraising target for a charity which means a great deal to him. Kevin, 40, who lives in Guildford, was riding to raise funds for Children’s Liver Disease Foundation in memory of his niece, Georgia, who died in 2012, aged just six years old.

“Georgia had numerous health problems including liver disease but despite this lived a very full and happy life,” says Kevin. “She was always singing and dancing and had a smile you couldn’t help but love. No one could have prepared my brother Barry and his wife Kerry for losing her and to this day their family’s pain is as raw as it was seven years ago when she slipped away to be with the angels. So I wanted to do this in memory of my beautiful little niece who is no longer with us and to raise money for an amazing charity which supports children like Georgia.

“The ride was tough but went really well and my family and friends surprised me by being there to meet me at the end. I’m particularly delighted though to have smashed my original fundraising target and raised almost £1,000. And for that I am grateful to everyone who supported me, particularly my shirt sponsor PPM Services and my employers, Bouygues Energies and Services.”

Alison Taylor, Chief Executive of Children’s Liver Disease Foundation commented: “CLDF is the only UK charity dedicated to fighting all childhood liver diseases, by providing information and emotional support, funds for research and a voice for all those affected. In order to do this however, we rely on voluntary donations, so we are delighted to hear what Kevin has raised – what a wonderful tribute to his niece.”


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