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Health Professionals BlogHepatitis

Profile of sofosbuvir and velpatasvir combination in the treatment of chronic hepatitis c in children and adolescents: current evidence

Title: Profile of sofosbuvir and velpatasvir combination in the treatment of chronic hepatitis c in children and adolescents: current evidence

Source: Therapeutics and Clinical Risk Management 2024, 20: 1-7

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Date of publication: January 2024

Publication type: Review article

Abstract: Chronic hepatitis C (HCV) affects up to 3.25 million children and adolescents. Early treatment of HCV in children and adolescents reduces progression to advanced liver disease and cancer. Treatment for HCV has evolved to highly effective direct acting antiviral therapy in adults and now in children ≥3 years of age. This review focuses on the role of sofosbuvir and velpatasvir (SOF/VEL), a newer treatment of children and adolescents with chronic HCV. SOF/VEL is a pangenotypic DAA with primary clearance via the liver and biliary excretion. It has been studied in children and adolescents and is approved in the US for use in children and adolescents ≥3 years of age. Although the data are currently limited, SOF/VEL has demonstrated sustained viral response rates similar to comparable DAAs in the range of 95-98%. To date, side effects have been minimal.

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