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Sandra’s Easter Walk to fight childhood liver disease

By April 23, 2019 No Comments

Sandra Ison and her 14 year-old son Ben will certainly have earned their Easter eggs on Sunday. The pair, who live in Hatfeld, are spending Saturday doing the 25K Easter Walk at Windsor in a bid to raise £250 for a cause very close to their hearts, Children’s Liver Disease Foundation (CLDF).

The charity has been an important one to Sandra and her family ever since Ben’s 16 year- old sister, Amelia, was diagnosed with the rare liver disease auto-immune hepatitis, a lifelong condition for which there is no cure.

“CLDF have provided us a platform to talk to other families with children with the same condition as Amelia,” explains Sandra. ”We have been to several family events where Amelia has been able to meet other young people who live with liver disease, and the leaflets provided by CLDF have helped our extended family have an understanding of her condition.

“I completed this walk last year with Amelia. last year.  At the time I said “never again” but then once my feet had stopped aching I thought “I could do that again”.   It is a challenge and a great achievement at the end to know that I will have completed 25K and raised much needed funds for CLDF.

“My son, Ben is doing the walk with me this year.  We have quite a good pace when we walk so I’m pretty sure that with determination and good walking boots we should complete it in about five hours!”

Alison Taylor, Chief Executive of Children’s Liver Disease Foundation commented: “CLDF is the only UK charity dedicated to fighting all childhood liver diseases, by providing information and emotional support, funds for research and a voice for all those affected. In order to do this however, we rely on voluntary donations, so we’re really grateful that Sandra and Ben are doing the Easter Walk for us. We hope the weather keeps fair for them and that they enjoy their day.”

For more information on CLDF visit

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