So it’s seven days to go. Big Yellow Friday is on March 31. You haven’t got time to plan a Big Yellow Ball or even a bingo night but there are plenty of easy ways you can join in the fun with next to no planning at all:
- Have a Wear Yellow Day in your workplace. Everyone makes a donation to wear something very bright. You can boost your fundraising with our sweepstake which you can download here Big Yellow Friday Pack | Children’s Liver Disease Foundation (
- Invite people round for a coffee morning/cake sale. Ask everyone to bring one item. A good cause gives everyone a reason to indulge in some cake and if you haven’t got time to bake, just buy some! No one minds😊 See here Top ten tips for coffee morning success! – Childrens Liver Disease Foundation ( for our top tips for coffee mornings
- Busy during the day? Host a pizza night instead. Works exactly the same but with this one you’ll probably have more shop-bought than home- made!
- Invite your friends round for a Big Yellow Quiz night. If you don’t have time to compile one, there are plenty available online for free.
- You may not have time to plan that ten mile sponsored walk but what would your friends and family sponsor you to do? Wear a yellow wig for the day? Be styled by your five year old? Or maybe a sponsored silence? Whatever you choose, setting up a fundraising page takes just minutes and you can download any materials you need, including sponsor forms here Big Yellow Friday Pack | Children’s Liver Disease Foundation (
You’ve probably got plenty of ideas of your own. Whatever you do, you know that every penny you raise will be making a real difference to people who need it. People like Cara, mum to Nellie (pictured) , who says:
“ It’s lovely to be able to ask any questions and share worries without burdening friends or family. The team at CLDF understand what I’m going through and it’s really comforting to know that I’m not alone.”
Whatever you decide to do, please let us know here Register Your Fundraising – Big Yellow Friday – Childrens Liver Disease Foundation ( and if you need any help or advice, contact us at