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Young people make a real weekender of it!

Young people from around the UK joined us at Derby University last weekend for the CLDF Weekender and a fabulous – if exhausting time was had by all.

In addition to hearing from experts on topics including employment rights and resilience and well being, our ‘weekenders’ had a blast in the drumming session, became experts in making mocktails and threw themselves into the dance workshop.

“It was wonderful to see so many young people with a liver condition or a transplant, many of whom had not met each other before, sharing experiences, supporting each other and generally having a great time,” said Louise Hawkes, CLDF’s young people’s digital and engagement officer.

We know that new friendships have been formed, old friends have caught up and many are already asking about next year’s event!”

This has been a transformative experience for my sense of belonging and comfort with dealing with my liver condition

Young person after the CLDF Weekender

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