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Hive Hangouts – the journey so far

Since the coronavirus outbreak and lockdown came into place, CLDF have been keeping in touch with young people through regular Hive Hangout Zoom sessions. Those aged between 13-15 and 16-24 have been taking part in a variety of themed digital meet ups facilitated by Louise, our Young People’s Digital and Engagement Officer.

From pampering sessions, to art attack events and even fun quizzes, these digital social events are an opportunity for young people to meet and talk about their experiences, concerns or just chat in an informal way with those going through similar journeys.

What an amazing time everyone has had so far………

Here are some thoughts from the young people who have taken part in Hive Hangouts……

“When I went into shielding I had nothing to do. CLDF weekly zoom calls helped me keep my mind active from worries by baking, colouring, scavenger hunt, I also really enjoyed the pamper session. It was the best decision I made to join in as I’ve now made friends and realised I’m not alone there are people out there going through the same situation as me.”

“Doing Hive hangouts has been so good, because I can catch up with people and have a bit of fun. It’s also nice to have something to look forward to during the week.”

“Hive has been fantastic to volunteer on, as I feel that I am helping other children and young people who have had a liver transplant/transplants or liver disease, as well as making new friends, and learning new tips to help me with my post transplant journey.”

Hive Hangouts are designed by young people for young people. So why not get involved? If you are a young person between the ages of 13-24 or a parent/carer of a young person and want to find out more or take part email

We have some new Hangouts planned, including cupcake decorating, guess that tune, pamper and relaxation sessions as well as team games. Don’t miss out!

You can read more about Hive and our Hive ambassadors here.


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