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Liver Stories

Melissa’s story

By January 24, 2017 No Comments

For eleven year old Melissa, who has the rare liver condition, biliary hyperplasia, the first time she met other young people with a liver condition was at CLDF’s Chocolate and Pottery Day in Worcester.

“I had never been to a CLDF event and didn’t know what to expect but it was great fun,” says Melissa. “The best bit was building models out of chocolate and meeting other children who have liver disease like me.

“Then a few months later, when my mum and dad went to the conference, I went to Drayton Manor. That was even better. I met more new friends and was able to spend the whole day with them. It was a really exciting day – there were so many rides to choose from.

I am definitely looking forward to my next CLDF event. I have lots of friends at school but it’s great to meet people who really understand what it’s like to have a liver disease”

Melissa with her parents, Julie and Garfield

Melissa’s mum, Julie says: “Because liver disease is so rare, it’s good to know that there is a reliable source of information out there.  Melissa moved to senior school this year and being able to give her new school an education pack helped me feel more confident about the move. We found the national conference really informative and of course it’s always good to meet other parents in our situation.

“Most of all , though, as Melissa grows up and has to manage her liver condition for herself, it’s important that she knows she is not alone.  So I am so pleased she has made new friends through CLDF and am looking forward to her being able to try out new experiences with them as she gets older.”


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